NOT IMPLEMENTED: Remove blog slug prefix from Bricks template URLs


Why do all Bricks template URLs have the blog slug prefix?


IMHO URL should directly start with /template/, whatever the setting for blog posts prefix.

@yankiara There is no blog slug for me in any of my site. Check your site urls!

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If you set a prefix for blog posts in WP permalinks, you will see it:

If I remove the blog prefix, it is removed from Bricks templates URLs as well.

This setting should not affect Bricks templates :wink:

I think the fix is simple: disable slug prefix in Bricks template CPT definition.

BUMP @timmse !
This is an easy fix.

Hi Yan,
Your report obviously got lost, sorry.

I’ve added it to the to-do list.

Best regards,

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Hi Yan,
After consultation, we have decided not to introduce these changes, as there might be some issues we and you are not aware of.

Basically, the change would entail re-saving the permalinks on the provider side and reloading the remote templates on the user side, which, besides being very simple, is guaranteed to result in a huge number of reports.

Apart from that: If you change the permalink structure, it’s expected that every custom post type uses this structure as well, as the with_front post type setting is set to true by default.

Best regards,

This is too bad such an obvious design flaw won’t be solved.
A Bricks template has nothing to do with the website content post types, of course with_front should be set to false.

As a matter of fact it should be false by default for all CPTs, but well, I guess this is WP blog history :wink:

If you’re talking about accessing templates libraries, I guess a converter could do the trick, couldn’t it?