Query Loop + Select Filter

Hello everyone!
I have the following problem:
I have a query loop with an offset of 1 post (I display the last post in another place), but when I apply a filter to this loop, the first post in the filter results also hides. In short, after applying the filter, I need to remove this offset somehow so that all the results are shown.

I tried but it didn’t work for some reason. But this was my idea, maybe you can build on it:

add_filter('bricks/posts/query_vars', function ($query_vars, $settings, $element_id, $element_name) {

  if ($element_id !== 'yhfzif') return $query_vars;

  if (bricks_is_rest_call()) {

  return $query_vars;
}, 10, 4);

Maybe you can try something like this with another bricks filter like bricks/query/result.

Hope this helps
Cheers Suat

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Instead of bricks_is_rest_call(), can use \Bricks\Api::is_current_endpoint('query_result')

Thanks, guys, but I didn’t manage to make it work :pensive: