NO BUG: No Elements in Bricks Builder after writing content with Wordpress Edit page

Browser: Firefox & Chrome
OS: Windows
Bricks: Version 1.10.3

Writing content into the Wordpress Edit page (picture 1) can be seen in the preview (picture 2), but doesn’t show up when I edit with bricks (picture 3). I had this work before a couple of Bricks updates ago but doesn’t seem to work now.

Ultimately I’d like to write and format content from MS Word and copy it into the Edit page. From there, editing with Bricks would automatically create the Elements. I know this has worked before because I did it.

Hi @ehubicka,

Do you have this enabled - Load Gutenberg data into Bricks? Maybe it’s this what you need.

Please let me know if it’s that what you were looking for.

Best regards,

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Oh yes that’s it! I accidentally reset all my settings recently and forgot to put that back on I suppose. Thanks again!

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Perfect, I’m happy that it works now :slight_smile:
I will mark this topic as a NO BUG.

Best regards,

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