NO BUG: Different dynamic data in different elements


I am building a card with a custom post types.
I have a query loop that selects the CPT, and every thing works fine.
I can add an image, basic text and use the dynamic data property and then select post_title, featured_image etc.

However, if I add a Text Link element, it pulls data from the page, and not the CTP, even when the Text Link element is inside the query loop.

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.

[Please describe this bug in as much detail as possible so we can replicate & debug this bug]

Can you share a screenshot of your Text Link element’s settings? Which dynamic data in particular is not being output correctly?


I am using the post_title to get a link to the full post.

Not sure if this makes sense, but here you see the icon for the Query Loop.
Screenshot 2024-09-02 at 11.41.27

The basic text element works fine:

But for the text link element it links to the page, not the post.

the excerpt in between also gets the excerpt from the post.

Edit: hmm, just noticed that if I use the dynamic data and then the post_title, like I did on the text link, also the basic text pulls data from the Page, not the post.

Hi @endre,

in the “Text Link” element you will want to link to some URL, so you will need to use {post_url} dynamic data.
Because {post_url} will output only the link, that will get inserts, not full <a> element.

That should work, please check :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Ahh, thanks :slight_smile:

I think I got a bit confused by the tool tip under that still shows the page, but in the frontend all is correct.

That’s perfect, thanks for confirming that it works :slight_smile:

Best regards,

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