Move elements in the structure panel without having to select the element first

This is an improvement that might seem trivial but it would save an unnecessary click. Sometimes you just want to reposition your elements in the structure panel but in order to do it you have to click/select the element you want to move first and then click it again to actually be able to drag it.

Video examples:

EDIT: I understand that if you hover over the small icon on the left of an element in the structure panel you’ll be able to drag it without having to select the element, but anywhere else on the element that’s not the case.

I don’t have to click. Just hover over the element and hold left button down while dragging. Works perfectly.

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Indeed it works perfectly when you hover over the small icon on the left, but anywhere else on the element you have to first select it to be able to drag it:


Which is a bit weird because the {cursor: move;} is actually there in between the elements but while there clicking and dragging doesn’t actually do anything:


Odd and not my experience.
I can move any element by hovering over any part of it and dragging. I do not need to click first and I do not need to be over the icon part.

Maybe you have different settings that could cause this?
In the Bricks Settings for the Structure Panel, all I have enabled is"Expand active element & scroll into view" all others are disabled.

That’s odd. I have only Duplicate and Delete enabled but even no settings enabled for the Structure Panel (or just enabling “Expand active element & scroll into view” and disabling all others like you did) I’m still only able to drag by hovering the small left icon.

Maybe move this to Bugs so it can be investigated?

Tried on multiple sites and it works on all.

Bricks 1.5 Brave browser

This is still happening in Bricks

I don’t know if this is a bug or not, but I can only drag an unselected element by clicking the tiny gap between elements and dragging it. If I try to drag an unselected element by clicking and dragging the element itself, it doesn’t work. It only works if I select the element first.