Links with polylang not translating

Link from links and buttons are not translated when are inside a template. Example:
A header with a button shop doesn’t translate the link to the shop, so I need to do a menu per each language. Which is too repetitive.

This is the way polylang works, you must have separate templates for each language, your content is not auto-translated and neither are links

Post links that are retrieved by ID can do pll_get_post to get the translated id of the post and then retrieve the link from the translated post.

 add_filter("som/link/filter", function($id, ){

$id = pll_get_post($id);
return get_permalink($id);

But is simple to implement, I don’t know if has some kind of integration with polylang but I think this is very basic and polylang is big one to have it into account.