I’m experiencing some issues with the Nestable Slider in Bricks Builder, specifically related to height differences and pagination positioning between the Builder and the Frontend.
Issues I’m facing:
Slider Height Mismatch
The height in Bricks Builder does not match the height in the Frontend when pagination is enabled.
This happens regardless of whether I use Auto Height (which also triggers the CLS warning) or set a manual height.
Pagination Positioning Issue
The pagination dots appear in completely different positions in the Builder vs the Frontend.
Even when setting explicit height values, the pagination placement does not behave consistently.
Is this a known issue, or is there a recommended way to synchronize the Builder preview and Frontend rendering?
What’s the best way to ensure correct height calculation and consistent pagination placement?
Would appreciate any insights or workarounds! Thanks in advance.
The slider seems completely unusable in its current state. In Bricks Builder, responsiveness works fine, but on the frontend, the heading moves next to the slider—even though both are inside a container with display: flex; flex-direction: column. Additionally, the margin and padding settings no longer work in the section that contains the slider. This is all very strange and absolutely incomprehensible.
You’d be best sharing a URL showing the issue. The height/pagination issues don’t happen out of the box when I’ve just tested, so something specific to your setup is happening.
Thank you but I deleted my nestable slider widget and I am using SwipeJS which works fine now on the frontend how it is set in Bricks Builder. But there is a downside. In the Builder, SwiperJS is not rendered. Is there a way in Bricks Builder to properly display such library scripts?
I’ve been having the same kinds of issues. It’s driving me nuts. Also having issues with tabs. I’ve deleted and rebuilt both multiple times and it never matches. I also have autoplay turned off but it still keeps sliding in the builder end, making it a huge challenge to edit.