Improve render_attributes for attributes contain space

This is the solution for attributes contains spaces.

I use this hook
I need set html attribute: SRCSET.
This attribute contain list of URL’s separated with comma and space.
Spaces are replaced to %20.
This is done into file wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/elements/base.php line 1870 by function esc_url().

Solution for example SRCSET tag:

 * Add SRCSET for image gallery .gallery-grid-square-col-5
 * @link

add_filter( 'bricks/element/render_attributes', function ( $attributes, $key, $element ) {
	if ( $element->id == 'njrsgc' && str_starts_with( $key, 'img-' ) ) {
		$item = str_replace( 'img-', 'item-', $key );
		$item_id = $element->attributes[ $item ][ 'data-id' ][0];
		$attributes[ $key ][ 'srcset' ] = wp_get_attachment_image_srcset( $item_id, 'full' );
	return $attributes;
}, 10, 3 );

 * Filter Modification: bricks/element/render_attributes
 * If attribute value contains space 
 * First, space is replaced into file wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/elements/base.php
 * This code reverse this replace
 * Replace %20 to space
 * @link

function fnc_clean_url( $good_protocol_url, $original_url, $_context ) {
	if ( str_contains( $good_protocol_url, 'w,%20https://') ) {
		$good_protocol_url = str_replace( '%20', ' ', $good_protocol_url );
	return $good_protocol_url;

add_filter( 'clean_url', 'fnc_clean_url', 10, 3 );
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