DUPLICATE: Photoswipe Lightbox error with images in subrepeater

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: Windows10
URL: https://staging.oberseechuchilachen.ch/rezepte/tom-yam-gung-scharf-saure-thailaendische-suppe-mit-crevetten/
URL: https://staging.oberseechuchilachen.ch/rezepte/gaeng-kheo-wan-gruenes-curry-mit-pulet-und-gemuese/
Video: Bird Eats Bug
Bricks 1.7

For a recipe site, I made a repeater query with a subrepeater query. In the subrepeater query, I have a text element (pointing to an acf text field) and an image element (pointing to an acf image field):


In the image element, I have set the link to Lightbox:

Now in the front-end, everything is shown correctly. But when I click on an image, the lightbox starts to go haywire. The wrong image is shown, and after closing the lightbox, somehow the lightbox stays active (#&gid… remains in the url afer closing the lightbox, see image below ) and I can’t select any other links on the page anymore except the other images.

Secondly, in the lightbox, instead of only showing the image I clicked on, it shows prev and next arrows, as if the image I clicked on whould be a gallery.

Thirdly, if I click on the prev or next arrow, the prev or next image is shown. But then when I close the lightbox again and click on another image, the same image from before is opened and not the image I clicked on.

I assume that something goes wrong with the Photoswipe lightbox if an image element is within a subrepeater.

This is shown in YellowBillbug console when I click on an image:

Thanks for your help


Hi Patric,
Thanks so much for your report!

The problem has already been reported:

I’ll close this thread accordingly.

Best regards,

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