DUPLICATE: Form - Custom Action: Login - Custom redirect URL: Dynamic Data

Bricks Version: 1.6.1
Browser: Chrome 90
OS: Windows


I have a bug when I have a “Form” element that have the custom “action” to “Login”. In the “Redirect” tab, at the “Custom redirect URL” if I have any dynamic data, it doesn’t display correctly.
So for example, if I have in the Custom redirect URL the following URL: https://example.com/test/{acf_link}

In the frontend, the redirect will be: https://example.com/test/{acf_link, instead of the actual ACF/Pods value.

Tested this with Pods and ACF, and it’s the same.


I’ve got the same, any ideas on this?

I also have the same - it’s giving me a headache!

@timmse any chance to get this bug resolved?

when we submit from its reply is this. I want the data to submit . but there is no option in it i tried many different methods but not working

Hi guys,
Sorry for the late reply, and thanks so much for your reports!

The issue isn’t related to the form itself, but to the dynamic data tag, which doesn’t render correctly when attached to regular text (in this case a URL). We already have a report about the issue and will fix it as soon as possible:

Since this is a duplicate, I’ll close this thread.

Best regards,

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