Disable links with tokens

How can I disable the links when using tokens?
I use: " Sprache: {post_terms_pa_sprache}" for displaying the languages a product is available in (Woocommerce). This leads that the languages are links automatically, but I need to deactivate these links, so only the label is printed.
Is there a way to achieve this?


Any news on this?

I have also tried this one, but the link still remains.

$sprachen = do_shortcode( '{post_terms_pa_sprache}' ); ?>

<div><b>Sprache: </b><?php echo preg_replace( '@<(a)[^>]*?>.*?</\\1>@si', '', $sprachen ); ?></div>

Have found a solution here: Filter: bricks/dynamic_data/post_terms_links – Bricks Academy

Use “pa_sprache” for getting the attribute