DUPLICATE: Bricks Nav Menu Burger Icon has unwanted extra space on top

Bricks Version: 1.5

I’ve got a simple header which has the Bricks Nav Menu in a container of a section. The Menu is fine and aligns center properly but the burger icon has this extra space on top so when it aligns center it is shifted slightly down. It seems to be the result of the div wrapper (with class brxe-nav-menu) of the nav element missing a display of flex.

Screenshot 2022-08-16 151823

Adding this code fixes the issue:

.brxe-nav-menu { display: flex; }


This works too.

.brxe-nav-menu { line-height: 0; }

Hi Tom,
Thank you very much for your report!

The issue has already been reported here: WIP: Mobile menu hamburger is not well vertically aligned

I’ll close this thread for now and mark it as Duplicate.

Best regards,

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