WIP: Audit usage of navigator.userAgent, navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform

Bricks Version: 1.3.6
Browser: Chrome 90
OS: Windows 10
URL: https://synlighed.nu/

Chrome console flag:

Related official statement:


To fix this issue, replace the usage of navigator.userAgent , navigator.appVersion , and navigator.platform with feature detection, progressive enhancement, or migrate to navigator.userAgentData .


I might not be 100% correct, but I don’t think this Bricks related and more so a chrome extension. If you hover over the onloadwff.js:1 it will give you the path of what is causing it. My feeling is that it will start with something like chrome-extension://

Hi guys,

The “potential issue” occurs when using the JS Webfont Loader method. Fun fact about the Webfont loader: it was initially developed by google and typekit and last updated around about five years ago :sweat_smile:

We’ll see what we can do about it, but it isn’t as critical as you can see on the “Proposed rollout plan”.

Best regards,

Am I right in assuming uploading the custom font directly into the builder circumvents the use of the JS Webfont Loader method? (As well as other advantages; mainly GDPR-related)

I just switched to the CSS loading method, and the notice is still there (for another js script).
This means that other scripts are affected as well. But again: from my point of view, this is in no way critical or jeopardizes your GDPR compliance in any way.