Temporary workaround solution
Absent a proper filter the best way I came up with was to set the global variables to look for an override in their assignments. So in the global variable panel I set them like
var( --header-background-color-override, var(--base) )
var( --header-text-color-override, var(--white) )
Rendering Overrides
add_action( 'wp_head', 'pm_render_custom_css_variables', 2 );
* Outputs custom header styles based on ACF fields.
* @return void
function pm_render_custom_css_variables() {
if ( is_admin() ) {
$overrides = pm_get_template_header_variables();
// Check if at least one custom color field is set
if ( ! empty( $overrides ) ) {
// Start building the CSS output
$custom_css = "<style id=\"custom-header-stylings\" type=\"text/css\">\n:root {\n";
$custom_css .= "/* Custom Stylings Based on ACF Template Fields */ \n";
// Loop through each variable and append it
foreach ( $overrides as $name => $value ) {
// Set the override variable
$safe_value = esc_attr( $value );
$custom_css .= " --$name-override: {$safe_value};\n";
$custom_css .= "}\n</style>\n";
// Output the custom CSS
echo $custom_css;
This will render out the overloads needed on a per post basis. This should even work with file based assets rather than inline.