SOLVED: Add class that inherits the actual style customization

Is there a way to add a class that will inherit the actual style customization applied to the element?

For example, on this h1, there is already some settings applied. Is there a way to add a class for those settings?

Hope that makes sense, thanks a lot!

in other words, a way to move all the styles applied to an ID (or even a class) to a(nother) class.

If I understand you correct, you can do it like so:

  1. Select any class you like, here, in my example, I selected “.full-width”, but this really doesn’t matter. After that, you see that new section opens in dropdown with title “Element ID” and below this, there is ID of the element, in your case the ID of H1.
    Now click “Copy styles”.

  2. Now find the class that you woudl like to copy styles to and select “paste styles”

  3. Remove styles from original H1

I hope it helps,


Thanks a lot Matej, this is exactly what I was looking for. THANK YOU! Time-saver!! :tada:

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